iECLS Training Courses


Immerse yourself in the future of ECLS education with our transformative courses and expert collaborations. Elevate skill, expertise, and confidence – all with GuidedFLOW™.


Immerse yourself in the future of ECLS education with our transformative courses and expert collaborations. Elevate skill, expertise, and confidence – all with GuidedFLOW™.

Imparting knowledge through expert-led foundational and advanced-level ECLS courses.​

At GuidedFLOW™, we’re not just training; we’re transforming ECLS teams. Through our expert-led foundational and advanced courses, we impart knowledge tailored to every role within an ECLS team. From physicians and bedside nurses to pharmacists, we ensure each member reaches their peak competency and confidence. Our aim? Fast-track the assimilation of cutting-edge ECLS knowledge and skills. 

Are you a hospital representative looking to enhance your team’s ECLS IQ? Our course catalog showcases the specialized training we extend to our hospital partners. To get started, simply contact us directly or complete our iECLS training request form.

Imparting knowledge with skill-boosting workshops and more.

Elevate your ECLS expertise with GuidedFLOW™. Our diverse range of workshops and masterclasses are available throughout the year, both virtually and on-site at the Orrum Simulation Center in Plymouth, Michigan. Open for individual enrollments, these sessions are designed to boost your skillset and ECLS IQ. Eager to amplify your ECLS proficiency? Explore our iECLS Workshops and iECLS Events pages for the latest schedules.

Imparting knowledge with world-renowned ECLS physicians.​

GuidedFLOW™ proudly collaborates with ECLS Virtual Advisors (EVA), bringing forth unparalleled ECLS education and training. This partnership harnesses the collective expertise of EVA’s globally acclaimed ECLS physicians, ensuring our attendees access world-class knowledge. Courses, workshops, and masterclasses created from this collaboration proudly bear the “ECLS 360” designation. Venture further, explore ECLS 360.


Become a partner

iECLS Training Course Catalog

Embark on a journey of excellence in ECLS education with GuidedFLOW™ iECLS courses. Tailored to hospitals seeking unparalleled ECLS team training, our courses utilize flexible modules that can be customized to address the unique needs of every facility. Whether it’s hands-on simulation training at your hospital premises or at the state-of-the-art Orrum Simulation Center in Plymouth, Michigan, we guarantee a transformative learning experience.

Note: Enrollment for hospital-based courses is exclusive to those affiliated with the respective hospital. Courses can be specialized for neonatal, pediatric, or adult care.


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